Tuesday, 7 January 2020

The 3 new trends in Indian Education.

Change, the only constant. Like all things in the world, even the education market is bumping into new trends and changes each year. These could be technological changes like the use of AI for learning or the redundancy of college with the arrival of online platforms like Upgrad Mumbai. The world of education is always on the move and there it seems like a lot to keep up with. If you are a student or a working professional then here are the three main changes you should be aware of.

1. Online learning.

Learning is no more about going to a college and wearing a graduation hat at the end of it. It is more narrow and depending on the skills you wish to take up when you want to take up. There are many online courses that have the same credibility as a college degree. These courses have a wider assortment of choices and can be done at the time and pace of the students. Companies like Upgrad Mumbai have made online skill upgrades the go-to option.

2. Better Loans

With the rise of the internet generation, loans are now easier to seek to make it a convenient service. Students today can use a mobile application to get a loan as easy as booking a taxi. These loans have given a huge motivation boost to the students who doubtful of education because of financial reasons. Some of these loans also come at a low-interest rate and very customizable repayment.  

3. Rise of non-tech

There was a time when non-technical courses were looked at as a degree of the weaker minds or the business runners. Today the courses like art and accounting are given the same importance as any other tech course. The country has realized a deficit of such graduates could slow down all markets alike. Even the biggest tech giants are nonfunctional without the able assistance of a creative team.

For More Details Visit : Eduvanz 

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